An ongoing series of my poems intended to show support for the Beacon community. Each poem is inspired by a Beacon Main Street business or service.

Your participation is invited! - - If you wish to collaborate, please send original artwork, photos, music, and other content by both adults and children to I will post these submissions here, along with the poems.
  (Inspired by Tas Kafé )

 An elixir of clear vision,
 God's great nectar of strong will,
 Pure Imbibe-able ambition,
 Liquid gift of lift instilled.     

Torrent flood of stimulation,
 Rushing wild expressive waves,
 Kind companion to creation,
 Through a never-ending day.

Warm intoxicating potion,
Levitating languished souls,
True alchemist's transmutation-
Heavy lead reborn as gold.

Rich kinetic breath of Venus,
Rides, inspired, through our veins.
In the wake of all known genius,
Must be left circular stains.