An ongoing series of my poems intended to show support for the Beacon community. Each poem is inspired by a Beacon Main Street business or service.

Your participation is invited! - - If you wish to collaborate, please send original artwork, photos, music, and other content by both adults and children to I will post these submissions here, along with the poems.
 Car Wash
 (Inspired by Suds Car Wash)

Long years ago, when i had not yet grown,
And I had barely learned to talk or stand,
The greatest thrill that i had ever known,
Was riding through the car wash while it ran.
A tunnel, underworld of foamy hell,
Beyond a swishing veil of mystery
The spooky way the car would drive itself
Upon its slow approach to destiny,
The swirling brushes rushing from all sides,
Like buzzing saw blades, harmless in the end
Revealed as spinning bristles, soft and mild,
The monsters of the dark, emerged as friends.
And i observed from my dark bathysphere,
The threatening torrents and the violent sprays
Protected in a shell from harm or fear,
By these wet terrors, safely kept at bay
This was the tempest of my innocence
Where storms of life were free from painful rage,
The last time life would welcome ignorance,
The last time i and chaos kindly played.